Friday, January 9, 2009

Starbucks, the bacon, and school (the details)

I've stopped working at Starbucks.  Yes, AGAIN!  

I really loved that job.  Of all my jobs, it's been my favorite, by far.  It was fun and I made some really good friends.  It was difficult to leave, but this time, it was for the right reasons.  

I started working there when Emily was 4 months old, to help bring home the bacon.  My availability was 4:30 am to 10 am, Monday through Friday.  My availability changed from time to time, but for the most part, I was a pretty regular part of the morning decor at the Lake Mary Starbucks.  

So, why quit now?

First, lets clear some stuff up:
  • The first time I put in my notice, it was so I could stay home and sew and sell my items online.  I was offered the chance to come back and work once every other week and I took it (and eventually, increased my hours back up).
  • I put in my notice one time because...well, none of your business.  But there was a very good reason for it and it didn't involve the person everyone else thought it involved---no matter what that person decided to spew to everyone to boost his ego (i'm not bitter).  My feelings were hurt and I quit without giving much thought.  I changed my mind because I knew I would miss it.
NOW, we can talk about this time:

I started back to school last semester.  I planned on taking some pre-requisites and then entering the nursing program.  Last semester, I took Microbiology and Anatomy and Physiology 1.  I made straight A's in both classes---okay, I got an 86 on a micro test, but she curved it to a 92 (shhh....I'm still going to tell people I got all As---it can be our secret).  Through the course of the semester, a few things happened that made me feel driven to go further than a nursing degree.  

Wait....I'll get back to Starbucks--just one sec.

  • I ran into a friend from high school who went through an experience that very much reminded me of my desire to go to medical school and how my dad's passing affected my decisions about school (more to that, but i'll spare you)--and that maybe I hadn't made the best decisions as a result of my depression about his death.
  • Apparently, I'm not dumb.  I made straight A's in 2 really hard classes.  I never really thought I was dumb (although, i find myself feeling dumb sometimes), but just because you're "not dumb" doesn't mean you get to go to med school.  You need something to back it up.  My grades last semester gave me a confidence I've not felt before.
  • In the nursing program, "night and weekends," specifically, "nights" means "be there at 3pm."  I thought "nights and weekends" meant: nights and weekends.  I went to the orientation, but they didn't say anything about the fact that you'd need to be at school and clinicals at 3:00 in the afternoon.  I wanted to go into nursing because I thought it'd be easier on the family.  This wasn't going to be easy.  

The nursing program issue was the last straw.  I didn't really want to be a nurse.  In fact, my goal was to get my BSN, be a nurse, and eventually go to medical school.  It was a safe way to get where I wanted to be.  When I talked to Marc about the issue, he said, "just go pre-med.  You WILL get in.  You will."  

It was settled.  I was no longer going to go to nursing school, and decided, when I transferred to UCF, I would be a Molecular Biology and Microbiology for pre-professionals major (what a mouthful--why not just call it "Microbiology").  I changed my classes at SCC from ones for the nursing, to ones that would go towards the Microbiology degree.   I knew (know) medical school wouldn't be easy (or that Micro degree), but neither would the nursing degree---might as well work hard and get what I want rather than what I kind of want.

Okay...back to Starbucks (and present tense):

We are all tired.  Working at Starbucks, while I love, love it, has taken a toll on all of us.  Marc has been fully in charge of the girls every morning.  He told me on several occasions, that by the time he gets to work, he feels like it's time for bed.  He told me, even though it brings in money, because he's so tired at work, he's making less money.  Catch 22.  

The girls hate it.  They can't/didn't voice it, but when I told Taylor I wasn't going to work there anymore she jumped up and down and hugged me (yes...i feel guilty).  They need me around.  If I weren't going to school, I might still do it (it'd be easier for Marc then too), but there was too much on my plate.  

I want to go to medical school.  I already have a family to care for, which is a lot more than most medical students have.  I need to concentrate on my family and school, and that's way more than enough.  Thankfully, most of the classes I need for the microbiology degree are offered while the girls are at school.  So, I will be there to pick them up from class.

Now, we have to pay for our Starbucks, but Marc is going to be able to bring home more bacon.  Marc is happy about the decision.  My kids are happy because mommy is home to play with them and does not resemble a zombie from "Dawn of the Dead."  And, in 6 (+) years, hopefully, I'm a doctor. 

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