Friday, January 9, 2009

What all the cool kids are doing

So, is this what all the cool kids are doing?  Well, then count me in!  I want, I need to be one of the cool kids too.  

I'm hoping I can keep up with this fairly regularly to keep in touch, show how our family is growing, and share what's new in our lives.  

Briefly (or not):
  • I've quit Starbucks, and Marc is back to bringing home ALL of the vegetarian bacon.
  • Marc started running a while ago and ran his first 5k! Yay, Marc!
  • Marc is very frustrated with his annoying skin and it's resistance to healing.  
  • Our kids are crazy--nothing new there.
  • Taylor loves ballet, and Emily loves running in the house.
  • I start my second semester ( second semester THIS time around) of school next week.

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